Kanji for Muryoko

'Infinite Light'

Journal of Shin Buddhism

Harold Stewart

The Name of Names

From the moment when the great temple-bell of the Honen-in temple booms out like Amida's Call-in- Command and is at once answered by the little windbell that hangs under the eaves and rings like my call in response, the hot humid darkness is relieved by the inflow of cool refreshing air that precedes the dawn, and I begin to feel the subtle but irresistible influence of Faith transferred by Amida, for like the dawn breeze this revivifies my weakened spirit and enervated body. The Nembutsu, whose arid repetitions, lacking the participation of the Heart, I have hitherto recited in vain, immediately undergoes a qualitative transmutation and is emotionally empowered. The same three words, Namu Amida Butsu, that were formerly powerless suddenly embody the Other Power and can act as a channel for Amida's gracious transference of Faith from the accumulated merits of his boundless store. From now on the ineffable Name can use as its medium the spoken Nembutsu, which unites me with the Name of names.

Reflections on the Dharma - Harold Stewart

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